AlgoSASE® - The Algorime Cyber SaaS Platform

AlgoSASE® is our cutting-edge SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) cybersecurity platform, designed to tackle the challenges of data protection and digital security.

The Active Defense approach is developed with our partner CyberInova Ltd with the aim of providing a solution completely based on these SDP/ZTNA principles and innovative cyber security strategies.

AlgoSASE® - Active Defense with SDP/ZTNA Dynamic Mesh

AlgoSASE® SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) is the cyber security ZDP/ZTNA platform developed (Patent Pending #102023000017760) with the aim of providing a Active Defense solution completely based on these SDP/ZTNA principles and innovative cyber security strategies.


AlgoSASE® SaaS Platform Capabilities & AlgoSASE® Use Case

Why AlgoSASE®: An Innovative Approach

Companies must evolve from on-premise applications, data, and services to those hosted in the cloud, with the need to support employees, offices, and third parties working from any device, anywhere. The Secure Access Service Edge (SASE, terms and characteristics defined by Gartner) solution protects private applications, the Internet, and SaaS with a comprehensive, integrated, and always-available security stack hosted in the cloud, while also optimizing connectivity for fast and reliable connections with software-defined Wide Area Networks, such as SD-WAN and/or Virtual LAN Over Internet.

Based on SDP/ZTNA concepts and exclusive capabilities such as mesh networking with Dynamic Overlay Control (DYNOC©, patent pending Id #102023000017760), with the AlgoSASE® platform, our goal is to improve the way people connect, providing the most agile, secure, and efficient cybersecurity possible.

 This is the reason why we designed AlgoSASE®.

  • The Agile Security Solution.

    An innovative cyber security strategy: AlgoSASE® is an application framework based on idea that no device or user can be trusted, regardless of whether they are inside or outside the network perimeter.

    A one-to-one relationship between user and the data to access: AlgoSASE® replaces centralized security controls with distributed software agents that operate under the control of the application manager and provide access to the application infrastructure only after identify verification. These agents create encrypted connections between requesting systems and application infrastructure, with a one-to-one relationship between them.

    AlgoSASE® IoT: An all-in-one device that protects, sequentially, IoT device on field providing micro-segmentation, isolation, alert and monitoring.

    AlgoSASE® is the Agile Security Solution.

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AlgoSASE®: Benefits for Customers

A wide spectrum of benefits are available to AlgoSASE® customers thanks to SDP/ZTNA and Dynamic Overlay Control (DYNOC©) feature.

  • Trought micro-segmentation AlgoSASE® removes implicit trust and implements micro-perimeter (SDP) preventing techniques of hacking, as lateral movement which can be possible with traditional VPNs.
  • Software Development Kit (SDK)  in Go language to build agent for a variety of Operating Systems and Hardware architectures.
  • Extremely easy installation, requires no change to existing infrastructure.
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  • Use modern encryption and communication protocols providing superior performance and security and integrate firewall with the granular access control (IP, ports, services).
  • Replace traditional VPNs with a superior segmentation solution in term of security, scalability, ease of installation, management and TCO (Total Cost of Ownership).
  • It’s a SaaS solution (Software as a Service) accessible by client software agents and/or in version with its hardware client; any apparatus can be connected via LAN/WAN to AlgoSASE®. (Windows, mac OS, Linux, iOS, Android etc..).
  • Strong identity control and integration with standard Identity and Access Management (IAM).

AlgoSASE® Dashboard

Since “Power is nothing without control” we implemented AlgoSASE® control systems to ensure effective control of your devices and knowledge of events on your infrastructures and assets.

An SDP/ZTNA system associated with an architecture that implements Dynamic Mesh capabilities creates a proactive closed circuit to cyber threat events.

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